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The Riskiest Transaction

Do they know the Risks? Photo by Foto Pettine on Unsplash

Of all the transactions modern humans engage in there is one which is particularly Risky. It can rip apart a lifetime of accumulated or even generationally accumulated wealth all due to this single transaction. I am talking about Marriage.

This is such a long and complicated topic that it cannot be addressed in a single article. Instead I will lay the rough outline for a series of articles on this topic.

Here are some of the topics that I would like to explore in this series.

Origin and History of Marriage

What did marriage look like a hundred, a thousand or ten thousand years ago? I believe being able to answer these questions will help us better understand the current state of Marriage in the modern society.

Marriage in different cultures

With the exception of few tribal cultures, Marriage is something that is universal across most human cultures around the world. Although Marriage is universal there are differences due to cultural influences. Getting a sense of these will help us better understand and appreciate the similarities and the differences between marriages of various cultures.

Marriage as an Institution

In almost all modern government and legal frameworks , marriage is recognized as a formal institution. Even if it is essentially an arrangement between two consenting adults (in most cases) the government still has a stay. I believe this is the most crucial aspect of marriage that needs a deeper dive. This will be the topic that I intend to spend the majority of my time in. 

Marriage Innovations

If Marriage as an Institution is a topic that I intend to explore the most, Marriage Innovation is the topic that excites me the most. As an optimist and a pragmatist I explore the new ideas and innovations in this space.

Are there any other topics that you think are important? Please leave them in the comments section below.