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safe withdrawal rate

Dividends on FIRE

Understanding and Managing your dividends well is key to success both during the accumulation phase and the withdrawal phase of FIRE.

The 4% Rule – part 4

I found a post that is aligned to my findings with regards to the 4% Rule. This is not conclusive evidence but a way to validate/verify my findings

The 4% Rule – part 2

The 4% Rule is based on studies that have many Flaws.Retirement planning based on these flaws can be fatal! This article suggests an alternative.

The 4% Rule – part 1

The 4% Rule so to speak is based on a few research papers that are based on data analysis of historical returns. The FIRE community makes the mistake of treating it as a Rule per se whereas in reality it is just an expectation based on historic information. The 4% Rule is a statistical Model and like all statistical models, it is wrong but could be useful.